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If you do not drive any of the six corners


The fall is behind us, and spring is ahead After long and dark months, many drivers are already relaxing at this time.

But spring is not an easy time for vehicles and drivers Here are six typical spring road challenges and a stylish solution that makes the consequences much less stressful.

1 Road Potholes

We also had snow and cold during the last winter With the thaw, many holes or stones have appeared on the roads, which cannot always be avoided while driving.

Even a little inattention can cause us to cut a tire, damage the rim or even the suspension In the worst case, we can even lose control of the vehicle and cause an accident.

Tip: adjust your speed and try to avoid potholes and rocks in time and safely Correct tire pressure reduces the possibility of a defect.

2 Sunlight

Who doesn't know the feeling when the strong sun low over the horizon completely blinds him, so that he can't see even three meters in front of the car from behind the wheel The whole thing is made worse by dirty windows.

At that time, no shade and glasses will help Tip: anticipate the possibility of blinding in advance.

We adjust our speed and drive extremely cautiously in those moments We take care of the cleanliness and transparency of the windows - also with fresh wipers and the appropriate cleaning fluid.

Tip: Avoid situations where flying rocks are more likely, such as driving too close to other vehicles If damage has already occurred, take the car to a professional auto glass repair as soon as possible, as many small holes can be repaired in time to stop further damage.

4 Children, motorcyclists, cyclists, e-skiroes are coming back.

With the warmer months, the roads are once again full of vulnerable road users who need special attention Advice: It is necessary to be more careful when driving through intersections and crossings, past residential neighborhoods, overtaking with the correct lateral distance, .

5 Animals Are Coming Back

Especially in rural areas, there is a high probability of domesticated and wild quadrupeds crossing the road Many rodents mistake the cables under the bonnet for a snack.

Tip: let's anticipate, follow the edges of the road and adjust the speed But let's not put ourselves in danger with sharp maneuvers.

6 Rapid Weather Changes

If ever, spring can have anything from snow to brief thunderstorms The roads are slippery in the spring, the conditions are changeable, and the road to an accident is short.

Many people suffer from an allergy to pollen, which can also be an important factor in poor attention Tip: one more time - drive at an adjusted speed, without using a mobile phone, with a sufficient safety distance, unworn tires, a serviceable car.

Sometimes even good advice doesn't help and an unpleasant event can occur And what's worse than an accident? Being alone in it.

It is much easier when you know that in case of problems, someone will immediately stand by your side Or that he will be responsive even when you just need good advice.

A good word reaches the ninth village and what better help than from someone who has achieved the highest average satisfaction rating for his services in handling claims in Slovenia (source: Insurance monitor 2020) and who has extremely effective roadside assistance available ? Let's take a closer look A well-insured car is the key to carefree driving, regardless of the season and route.

We distinguish several types of insurance Basic auto liability (AO) insurance is just that – basic.

Even more important for preventing high and unforeseen burdens on the family budget is an investment in good comprehensive insurance Depending on the needs and also depending on the age of the vehicle, it is possible to take out both full insurance and only partial insurance.

With a full helmet, the insurance covers most of the damage that occurs to the vehicle regardless of the driver's will during operation or when it is stationary It differs from automobile liability insurance in that it covers damage caused to the insured's vehicle and not damage caused to third parties.

Partial comprehensive insurance is intended for vehicle owners who consider that, due to the low value of the vehicle, it no longer makes sense to conclude a general automobile comprehensive from a cost point of view, and for vehicle owners who, due to the high value of the vehicle, want an even greater level of security in the event of risks to which the vehicle is most often exposed.

At Generali zavarovalnica, they offer customers an extremely diverse and comprehensive range of car insurance for the kind of coverage that the customer needs depending on the size of the car, its age, predominantly urban or extra-urban driving and use of the car, as well as how many cars the family uses As an example, with partial comprehensive insurance alone, customers at Generali zavarovalnica have at their disposal as many as 13 additional partial comprehensive comprehensive coverages, which they can adjust and combine as they wish.

In addition, they have many other benefits that can help clients save money when taking out car insurance for themselves and other family members Generali insurance even allows savings for all family members to receive a discount up to the level of the best bonus achieved by one of the family members.

Auto assistance is a very important factor in choosing a good insurance company With it, it is possible to solve any situation on the road and return home safely, anywhere and at any time.

Assistance at Generala zavarovalnica covers insurance for cases when the vehicle is undriveable due to breakdown, accident, theft, problems with keys or fuel at home or abroad For a completely peaceful sleep, it is also worth mentioning the legal protection insurance, which for a low premium includes insurance for the case of defense costs, when criminal or administrative-criminal proceedings are initiated against the insured due to a traffic accident.

The insurance also covers the costs of asserting compensation claims for damage in connection with a traffic accident and the costs of defense against other persons' claims for damages The advantage of a good insurance company is also that how close and quickly its services are available and how affordable they are.

At Generali zavarovalnica, they strive daily to be a lifelong partner to their customers, so they stand by people every step of the way and in all circumstances For all information, help, reporting of damage, informative calculations and conclusion of contracts, G24 services are available through branches, representatives, telephone and online at g24.

Si Or Wiz Si, Even From Your Home Sofa

Quality and speed of services, responsiveness, partnership relationship and competitive prices are self-evident for Generali zavarovalnica informative calculations and conclusion of contracts are available through branches, representatives, telephone and online at g24.

Si Or Wiz Si G24 Services Even From Your Home Sofa

Quality and speed of services, responsiveness, partnership relationship and competitive prices are self-evident for Generali zavarovalnica informative calculations and conclusion of contracts are available through branches, representatives, telephone and online at g24.

Si Or Wiz Si G24 Services Even From Your Home Sofa

Quality and speed of services, responsiveness, partnership relationship and competitive prices are self-evident for Generali zavarovalnica .

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