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Petr's Selfie With The Legendary Norwegian Woman And Applause From The Managers


<p></p> <p>Once they were rivals on the track, but now <strong>Petra Majdič</strong> and <strong>Hilde Pedersen</strong> fondly remember the past:<i> , who competed even at the age of forty, really had a long career, but also a very successful one," says Majdičeva She takes a selfie herself, and the Norwegian's friend takes a photo together.

To this day, Pedersen remains the oldest cross-country skier to win the World Cup </p> <p>On the platform of the cross-country stadium at the Nordic World Championship in Planica, she tries to focus on the elimination fights in the sprint, where they competed to be ranked among the best.

also <strong>Eva Urevc</strong> and<strong> Miha Šimenc</strong> But it doesn't work because people stop by her all the time, wanting to take a selfie with the snow heroine, who by winning a bronze Olympic medal, despite broken ribs, was forever written in Slovenian sports history.

</p> <p>She has just come from the VIP tent, where at the Manager's Day in Planica, she first led a round table with guests, and then prepared a small cross-country skiing school for the gathered managers, directors and board members First, she took them through the basics of the sport, and then rattled off a few more numbers that left them speechless.

</p> <p><strong>Expensive equipment</strong></p> <p><i>"In my eyes, cross-country skiing is ballet on skis What is cross-country skiing? Keeping your balance when you step on ski and you 'stick' to it.

Why is this difficult? Because you don't have a heel strap You also have to coordinate the movement of all the joints so that you are not like a rubber band when you step on the skis,"</i> she began to tell.

</p> <p>There are two techniques in cross-country skiing Free or skating, in which you go in "spruce", and the classic technique, where you go straight, in a "spur", she described.

Skis for classic technique are 20 to 25 centimeters longer than our body height, and for skating they are shorter </p> <p>Cross-country skis they are extremely light, but also very expensive, says Majdičeva.

<i>"One pair of competition skis costs from 600 to 800 euros The tie costs an additional 100 to 150 euros.

Poles 400 euros, high-end shoes 800, 900 euros The best competitors in the world have about 90 at the peak of their career, that's how many I had, or 100 pairs of skis," says the former Slovenian champion.

while loud sighs are heard from the audience as the businessmen present are already quickly adding up the numbers in their minds </p> <p><i>"Yes, that's a lot of money, but above all it's work for the service teams," Majdičeva points out.

He points out that not only physical fitness is important for cross-country skiing, but primarily also the preparation of the skis that make contact with the ground <i>"It's like Formula 1 </i>–<i> you can have the best driver, so the brains of a competitor, the character of a competitor.

You have the best engine, but if they screw you up with the tires, you don't stand a chance Well, that's the way it is in cross-country skiing,"</i> illustrates.

</p> <p><strong>When the texture of the snow suddenly changes</strong></p> <p>He points to the service trucks through the window, which stand at the foot of the Gorišek brothers' airport In the best teams, they are also worth two million euros, and with perfect equipment, this figure increases even more drastically.

In the service truck of the Norwegians, who are considered the alpha and omega of cross-country skiing, there are as many as 1,000 pairs of competitive skis, says Majdičeva, who visited it herself a few days ago </p> <p>40 repairmen can work in such a truck at the same time.

<i>"Do you know how many types of snow there are? You can't count them.

Different continents, altitudes and age of snow affect snow crystals Air temperature, humidity all affect the structure of snow, and consequently how it flows skis, how to lubricate them,</i>" he explains.

</p> <p>He says that there are about 10 manufacturers of ski lubricants in the world, which have about 60 different ointments in their assortment: <i>"These ointments mix with each other, which means 600 different combinations of ointments " </i>The problem that arises is the time window, he says.

Namely, if the sun shines on the track, the structure of the snow changes completely Service technicians have a maximum of one hour to find the right one from among these 600 grease combinations.

The more servicemen there are on the track at the same time, the more likely they will succeed </p> <p>Laughing, he adds that the organizers must have caused quite a few gray hairs for them on Thursday, as all the teams were notified in the morning that will salt the track: <i>"Competitors and servicemen have studied the track well in the last week and studied the proper preparation of the skis.

The conditions were quite constant these days, but the salt will suddenly change them, which represents a great stress for all team members </i>" </p> <p>The terrain in Planica is very demanding, there are many climbs and steep descents.

"<i>You drive into the valley with full speed,"< /i> reminded that cross-country skis do not have edges When you get to the top of the climb, you have a 360-degree turn, so no time to rest, but a quick turn into the descent, which is challenging, because at the end there is another 360-degree turn.

If you are very tired on the way up, you have serious problems on the way down, because your legs are shaking, but you have to be completely focused "</i></p> <p><i> </i>Majdičeva points out that athletes should really be proud: "<i>These are young individuals who have dedicated 15 or 20 years of their lives, to reach the level of the best in the world.

Even though there is only a small percentage chance that they will actually succeed, they persevere For years and years, they live with the hope that the day will come when they just succeed," she said and received loud applause from those present, who then went together first to the cross-country track and then to the jumping platform in order to saw the best in the world gathered under Ponci.

</p> <p><strong>They like to hire athletes because of their work habits</strong></p> <p><strong>Petra Juvančič</strong> , director of the Association of Managers, reminded that the world championship in Nordic disciplines is an important international event that is followed by millions of people all over the world: "This is important for the recognition and promotion of Slovenia, and in the final stage also for the economy, tourism, sport, for our development,"</i> she is convinced that it is important for the management to show support not only to the organizers, but also to the athletes </p> <p>She says that they have already discussed the parallels between the management several times and top sports: <i>"There are quite a few similar challenges, even some differences, and I think it's very important to talk about it, because it's about important values.

Perseverance, respect to allow someone to succeed Hard work, which of course is the basis of both management and top sport.

"</i></p> <p><i>"There are some points of contact,"</i> also agrees <strong>Franjo Bobinac< /strong>, once the first man of the white goods giant Gorenje, and now the newly elected president of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia </p> <p><i>" For both sport and business, you have to have vision, knowledge, energy, perseverance.

There is a lot of work behind it, neither of them is without a huge investment It is very similar whether you lead an economic organization or an orchestra, or you are a coach or captain of a leading team.

You need to be able to inspire people, pull them behind you and achieve your goals You have to be brave, persistent, incredibly combative, you have to understand the circumstances.

So it's no coincidence that even in commercial companies, if we have two relatively similar options, we like to hire athletes, because we know them by their work habits and so on,"</i> he says At the same time, he adds that he is aware that it will athletes should be better taken care of even after their careers end.

</p> <p><strong>Perhaps serial winners one day</strong></p> <p> Finally, Slovenian runners came to the VIP tent They wanted to thank the existing sponsors and appeal to possible future ones: <i>"To find some story that you can identify with through these hard-working boys and girls in this garage sport,"</i> said <strong>Roman Beznik</ strong>, president of the cross-country skiing branch at the Ski Association of Slovenia (SZS).

</p> <p>The contestants were introduced on stage by <strong>Vesna Fabjan</strong>, who once had a string of victories herself <i>"Maybe we don't have a streak winner or some biggest star like maybe the jumpers.

But I would say this championship is a stepping stone for all of them and maybe you're looking at a future streak winner or star,"</i> she told the crowd , and her words were accompanied by loud applause.

</p> They wanted to thank the existing sponsors and appeal to possible future ones: <i>"To find some story that you can identify with through these hard-working boys and girls in this garage sport,"</i> said <strong>Roman Beznik</ strong>, president of the cross-country skiing branch at the Ski Association of Slovenia (SZS) </p> <p>The contestants were introduced on stage by <strong>Vesna Fabjan</strong>, who once had a string of victories herself.

<i>"Maybe we don't have a streak winner or some biggest star like maybe the jumpers But I would say this championship is a stepping stone for all of them and maybe you're looking at a future streak winner or star,"</i> she told the crowd.

, and her words were accompanied by loud applause </p> They wanted to thank the existing sponsors and appeal to possible future ones: <i>"To find some story that you can identify with through these hard-working boys and girls in this garage sport,"</i> said <strong>Roman Beznik</ strong>, president of the cross-country skiing branch at the Ski Association of Slovenia (SZS).

</p> <p>The contestants were introduced on stage by <strong>Vesna Fabjan</strong>, who once had a string of victories herself <i>"Maybe we don't have a streak winner or some biggest star like maybe the jumpers.

But I would say this championship is a stepping stone for all of them and maybe you're looking at a future streak winner or star,"</i> she told the crowd , and her words were accompanied by loud applause.

</p> which you can identify through these hardworking boys and girls in this garage sport,"</i> said <strong>Roman Beznik</strong>, president of the cross-country skiing branch of the Ski Association of Slovenia (SZS) </p> <p >On the stage, <strong>Vesna Fabjan</strong>, who once had a string of victories herself, introduced the competitors.

<i>"Maybe we don't have a serial winner or some biggest star, like perhaps the jumpers But I would say that this championship is a stepping stone for all of them and that you may be looking at a future series winner or a star,"</i> she told the crowd, and her words were accompanied by loud applause.

</p> which you can identify through these hardworking boys and girls in this garage sport,"</i> said <strong>Roman Beznik</strong>, president of the cross-country skiing branch of the Ski Association of Slovenia (SZS) </p> <p >On the stage, <strong>Vesna Fabjan</strong>, who once had a string of victories herself, introduced the competitors.

<i>"Maybe we don't have a serial winner or some biggest star, like perhaps the jumpers But I would say that this championship is a stepping stone for all of them and that you may be looking at a future series winner or a star,"</i> she told the crowd, and her words were accompanied by loud applause.

</p> president of the cross-country skiing branch at the Ski Association of Slovenia (SZS) </p> <p>The contestants were introduced on stage by <strong>Vesna Fabjan</strong>, who once had a string of victories herself.

<i>"Maybe we don't have a streak winner or some biggest star like maybe the jumpers But I would say this championship is a stepping stone for all of them and maybe you're looking at a future streak winner or star,"</i> she told the crowd.

, and her words were accompanied by loud applause </p> president of the cross-country skiing branch at the Ski Association of Slovenia (SZS).

</p> <p>The contestants were introduced on stage by <strong>Vesna Fabjan</strong>, who once had a string of victories herself <i>"Maybe we don't have a streak winner or some biggest star like maybe the jumpers.

But I would say this championship is a stepping stone for all of them and maybe you're looking at a future streak winner or star,"</i> she told the crowd , and her words were accompanied by loud applause.


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